Friday, February 7, 2014

End Justifying the Means in Julius Caesar

Woody 1 Verity Woody English 1 Mr. DeLong 2-27-08 Essay 2: final Draft The hold on al offices justifies the intend. Some people live by this extract of survival. Sometimes the overthrow is an honorable cause and in nearly cases it is just plain vengeance. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by known playwright William Shakespeare, Shakespeare portrays the things universe does just to make things end the way he wants and actu entirelyy in the end it seldom ends the way he wants. The first example of how far a man mystify out go for an honorable cause is in the case of Marcus Brutus. Brutus in the actually beginning is all well-nigh honor and gravitas as he says in numerous parts of the play. Caesar was very skinny to Julius Caesar barely even proximate to the people of Rome. What means this shouting? I do panic the people do choose Caesar for their king...yet I love him well. (1. 2. ll. 85-89). He is scared of Caesars military unit and how it will affect the people of Rome. Brutus loves Caesar but he doesnt want him to climber-upward...He then unto the ladder turns his back...(2. 1. ll. 24,26). Marcus Brutus knows that if Caesar has all of this power he will turn his back on his loyal papistic subjects. After persuasion and justification Brutus decides to do one of the superior sins known to man and assassinate the man he has been close to for years. Brutus did all of this and never backed overmatch just for his honor and the security of the Roman citizens. In the end though all this did was fag out down his conscience and make him desire death for his crime. other example of If you go through with(predicate) life only rivet on the goal and dont stop to mobilize about the consequences of your actions expect some heavy penalties.If you want to get a full essay, decree it on our website:

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