Saturday, December 28, 2013

Billie Holiday

Throughout history, the entertain thrash forcet and show business world has been sensed as a very difficult field to be successful in. Specifically, the African American performers endured numerous heavy(p)ships to contrive it in the veritable world. Gardenia withal known as Billie Holiday was an African American woman who was raised in a impaired family, and lived in prostitute dwellings. Gardenia brio was influenced by social issues, men, and do drugss, which lead to her crepuscule and death. During the 1930s through the 1940s, the depression and dry land War II were turning points in history. The economy drastically decreased and battalion did non have many opportunities. As a response of the depression and the war, there were no recordings, nor any charge plate for records. Gardenia and her root word split up. The clear jazz bands valued her, and she had to try everything. Also, during this time society became very chaotic. Reed ( one(a) of the music ians in her band) redeems a tick off from the Draft Board vocation him to pick up a grinder. Reed says what I urgency with a gun, when I got my trumpet? My horn do people stop and get word. Who is release to listen to me with a gun in my hand? Additionally, anformer(a) good example of society expression down on Holiday was when the white maker didnt hope to pay them what they deserved for the hard micturate they put in that recording session. Overall, the social issues that Gardenia faced throughout her career made it more difficult to reach fame during these hard times.         Gardenia was an attractive women admire by many men. She had a hand well-nigh voice, which was realised by a beautiful face. The men in her life change her perception of life. On her journey to fame, she meets the boys (the members of her band). She obsessively attaches herself to men who mistreat her. The boys in her band were there when she necessary somethin g from them. Their family relationship is ! based on interest. Gardenia turned to men to fuddle her hope, confidence, comfort, and happiness. hitchhike was one of the men in her path. He was in relish with Gardenia and described her as being loving, and fantastic. On the contrary, Mallets was her materialistic man. She like him because of what he could get for her. She says I am going to make it with Mallets so I can get some of that pig out hes got there. Mallets supplied her with drugs in return for money or sex. The producer also was a very deceptive man. Gardenia sleeps with him only because she demand the funds to pay her boys. She tried to convince him to set up her the money, barely it didnt work so she tells him why dont we make a personalized and go somewhere after the session? Reed, on the other hand, who very man wants her to grow up and take responsibilities of her life. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Gardenia does non love him because she has this give and take relationship with men. Basically, it is what she can get from them. At the aforesaid(prenominal) time her career was becoming popular, Gardenias underground life was deteriorating. She started utilise hard drugs. These drugs had a great furbish up on her life. She later on looses her substantial earnings, and becomes weaker as an individual, and her egotism and pledge deteriorate. Gardenia takes these drugs to release all the stress and anxiety at purport her. This caused her to go drastically downhill, and made her voice become worse. Gardenia did not choose to be a drug addict or an alcoholic, but in fact, this was her painkiller. She suffered stirred ly and the drugs altered her minds perception of re! ality. Gardenia was unhappy, hopeless, and endured many difficulties, which led her to be a drug abuser. In conclusion, Gardenia rest one of the most famous female jazz singers. The emotional strength that she put into the words she sings will be remembered by her admires. lodge and men mistreated her in her life, which resulted in her fetching drugs. In the final chapter of her life, she was placed under arrest for drug self-possession while on her deathbed! If you want to get a dear essay, order it on our website:

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