Sunday, December 8, 2013


PHYSICS PROJECT Android Robots: the computer-controlled machines Introduction In the past, the charitable dig up and the assistance of domesticated animals, both gave the efforts to build the earliest societies. When the machines were invented to perform crying tasks, like lifting piss and grinding granulate, and mechanics and labyrinthine mechanisms were developed, human labor became less important. As a result, more technological advances developed slightly and widely spread. Electronics was a major(ip) technological advance that led to the creation of the self-directed golems by William Grey in 1948. In 1954, George Devol invented a digital and programmable robot and called it Unimate, that later on was used to move blue surface objects by General Motors in 1960. Outline 1. Robots - what is a Robot? -What atomic number 18 they made of? -Robotics (the propound card of the robot) -Why robots were invented? -Why use Robots? -Requirements for developi ng a ROBOT -Architecture of ROBOTIC establishment 2. Types of robots by locomotion -Stationary robots -Wheeled robots -Legged robots -Swimming robots -Flying robots 3. Types of robots by application -Hard-tasks robots -Military robots -Social-services robots -Space robots -Robots under the water -Robots with other functions 4 -Advantages -Disadvantages 5 The influence of the robots and their future 6 Next contemporaries Robotics! is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
7 Laws of Robotics 8 Conclusion Robots What is a robot? * comment= forced work or labor * Czech origins * Computer-controlled machine What are they made of? * The controlle! r genius * Mechanical parts * Sensors Robotics * The field of study of the robots * Roboticists: people who peg down in robotics * Robotics in our lives: has a plumping role in education, industry, science and researches Robots Robots invention * 1948: the invention of the robots by the British robotics pioneer; William Grey Walter * The robots creating notion and its...If you indispensableness to expire a full essay, order it on our website:

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